Published on January 7, 2007 By MS. LADY In Beginners
I like working with logonstudio, but I would like to know more about creating them. Are there any tutorials? I can only go so far and then can't do what I really want to. Most of the beautiful logons I see seem to be made without logonstudio, how?

Ms. Lady  
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on Jan 07, 2007
Thanks very much for the nice words Mark. That's how I started, I made a few logons and then got obsessed with figuring out how to make the "splash" logons, which also led me into having to learn how the code works in the uifile. I'm no coder, programmer, graphics person, it was just something new and fun to try for an old fart like me.

There are a lot of skinners that have created awesome logons in the past...the thing is, they moved on to creating awesome Windowblinds. Tiggz, Adni, Apocalypse and more I'm sure I'm forgetting. I just don't have the patience to learn and then spend the amazing amount of time it takes to do a WB skin, so I stick with logons and wallpapers and the occasional Rainy.

MS LADY, I doubt any of those programs will help with splash logons, but there's nothing wrong with a really good Logon Studio logon at all.
on Jan 07, 2007
I will get PhotoShop and get back with you. Can't buy it, but got lots of friends.
on Jan 08, 2007
I'll be here.
on Jan 09, 2007
Hiya boss...I'm working on my first most of it figured...My main prob at the moment is aligning the splash.From the right center to the left center.
Can you help a brother out?  
on Jan 09, 2007
Hey I.R.

The splash can be set easily left, center, and right, and top, middle, and bottom. To offset it from center, which it sounds like what you want, you need to create the splash to the left or right of center on your template. Then you need to go into the uifile and move the userpanes right or left to where you need them. The shutdown button will follow the userpanes.

A quick example, lines 517 and 518 in a default splash uifile:

element sheet=styleref(toppanelss) id=atom(toppanel) width=139rp layoutpos=left/
element sheet=styleref(toppanelss) id=atom(toppanel) width=139rp layoutpos=right/

The widths are set equal at 139. If you set the left width to say 79, and the right to 199, it will move the userpane 60 px to the left.

There is a lot of trial and error making the splash offset and then getting everything else to where you want it, but that should give you a basic idea.

You can always email me with questions or send the logon so I can help you out. That should give you a bit of an idea though.
on Jan 09, 2007
Thanks Boss...yeah I got the trial and error thing happening  I have been at it for hours!I cant get the user panes to budge.
let me try some of your fixes and I'll be back.(you may be getting some email soon  )
on Jan 09, 2007
I dont want the splash offset from center,I want it on the left side of the screen.It went left once,then as soon as the user pic shows it moves back toward center.  
on Jan 09, 2007
Ok, I understand now.

Line 514, or thereabouts depending on the ui:

element id=atom(contentcontainer) layout=verticalflowlayout(0,2,2,2) layoutpos=client

Change it to this:

element id=atom(contentcontainer) layout=verticalflowlayout(0,0,2,2) layoutpos=client

The whole splash will move to the left of the screen.
on Jan 09, 2007
That tip about the user pane worked great!I looked all over the internet and not one reference to that trick.
Am applying the next trick.    
on Jan 09, 2007
No tricks, just tons of time changing numbers, seeing what happens....and whether something moves or the logon locks up....

on Jan 09, 2007
Yay!It moved and stayed put.Now on to repositioning the lesser elements.
Can the shotdown button be placed anywhere on the splash(with the shutdown text removed?)

My biggest prob is going to be the scrollbars...I only have one account on this pc and if I create new ones,this account(with all my customisations is no longer visible,damn windows!)

Boss you have been a huge help,this first logon shall be dedicated to thee.  
on Jan 09, 2007
Hey I spent hours researching and testing til I had a headache and in minutes you have me over half way thru.  
on Jan 10, 2007
The shutdown button can be moved left or right, just like the splash, and up or down a bit. It CAN be moved to the top of the splash but then it messes with the usernames and moves them WAY down and screws everything up. Not worth the hassle in my opinion to go through all that.

I only have one account also, the second and a guest account are used only for making logons so I can adjust everything for the scrollbars. I don't have a password or hint, but I added them to the second account to see the "go" and "info" buttons.
on Jan 10, 2007
So far so good,everything is lining up correctly...except my splash graphic is too small for scrollbars!hehe.(483x420)
I was gonna redo all the graphics anyway once I figured out how to place everything.  

Can the Splash be moved to the right without offsetting the image in the graphic?

I wonder how I can add some accounts without losing the current Admin settings?

I tried but the initial admin account disappears unless you are in safe mode.(and you have to completely setup your new admin account from scratch)

Again,thanks,it all seems so simple now......riiight.  
on Jan 10, 2007
I usually start with 600x500, and the splash will show wherever you create it in relation to the center of it.

I don't think you can move the whole thing as a unit...maybe a bit but not much. It's pretty much just left, center, or right. After you've done a few of them it's easier to just create the splash offset in your template and move the userpanes where you need them.

Play around, you may show me a thing or two. Once I figure out how to do what I want to, I don't explore much further. I'm sure there's a lot of things that can be done that I don't know about. Hell, I'm no coder, I just played around a lot until I figured out what I needed.
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